Tuesday, June 07, 2011

in flagrante

Turns out when one leaves two (somewhat hideous, knitted by a kindly friend of Ouma's) dolls alone in the boot of the car they, um, grab the opportunity ...

Lucky buggers.


MissBuckle said...

:-) well spooted. You wouldn't want baby knitted dollies ...

MissBuckle said...

... or even spotted :-)

spudballoo said...

Guffaw...we have the same problem http://www.spudballoo.com/2009/08/when-iggle-piggle-goes-bad/

julochka said...

please don't say funny stuff right when i took a sip of wine....it's bad for my macbook air. :-)

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

two things: i'm jealous.
and this is where your umbrellas live, no?

DB Stewart said...

This post should have included a soundtrack.

Lali Fufu said...

hahaha! ^^, I was also wondering what their babies would look like.