1. Game of Thrones. I started re-watching from the very beginning a couple of months back and am, to date, all caught up until S7E5 which drops tonight.
Yeah, I know, it's not for everyone. But it is so very much for me. I'm already panicking about how empty life will be without it.
2. I am doing a 3000 piece puzzle. Lame right? But it so very much for me too.
There is something so calming, therapeutic for me about puzzles. Pieces fall into place, my brain relaxes into it and focuses. There is chaos, and then order - so unlike my life.
My only problem is that I don't have a table top big enough! I'm working on the bottom two-thirds and will have to ignore the top.
My completion problem tendency is deeply satisfied.
3. This.
Our long awaited and now much beloved wood-burning stove. I swore I wouldn't do another winter without one.
I swore that a couple of winters back actually, but this time I made it happen.
4. Life.
I'm finding life quite full-on a the moment. There is work, and there is home/kids/pets/school and in between all of that there is very little me.
I know to know that this is a season, a patch we're in. This is an inordinately busy work month, and I've not had one this full on for a while. The girls are busy and growing and living large.
The pets are time-consuming. There is a puppy to watch and train and manage and a boy who is adjusting to a puppy and recovering from surgery - as we recover from the shock of his own brush with skin cancer (he's all clear thank dog). There's an elderly lady cat who needs assistance more than she used to, is adjusting to a puppy and is, we realised recently, stone deaf.
And there's still a Lego to mourn. I miss her every day.
Sometimes I can ride the hurdy-gurdy of our very full days. And sometimes I feel discombobulated and unbalanced by their pace.
5. Death.
Of relationships, of innocence. The very concept.
It's been hitting close to home of late, and it's almost impossible to put into words. Feelings of loss are the hardest to describe. What do you say about something which creates a gaping vacuum in your heart? A space which feels both empty and full to the brim.
This August is nothing like last year.