Sunday, October 26, 2008


So I'm muuuuuch better. (And starting my posts with 'so' again it seems.)

God it's amazing what getting it all out of your system does for you, the only thing better than a good moan is a good cry and having had both I'm back on form.

A quiet weekend. A spot of gardening, spot of baking - chocolate banana bread with almonds and white chocolate chips... yes I know I'm moaning about my weight but goddamn these bananas have got to be used, and I did a big forest walk today ok? Sheez...

Also a bit of cutting and sticking - a silly little cover for my recipe book...

Frieda & I walked on the promenade and she nearly got abducted by seagulls.... 

And someone parked this beauty in our road for the whole of Saturday;

Which reminded me of this beauty...

Oh, and that was a lovely little car too.

Actually I lie, that was a bitch of a little car who failed me repeatedly; threatened to kill me with noxious fumes, never started, very nearly took me off De Waal drive a number of times... but god she was cute with her chrome creamness, red leather interior and genuine 1969 loveliness. But by the time that young med student sucker took her off my hands, 2000 I think it was, I was more than happy to see her go, hadn't missed her for a second and hardly thought about her again, until yesterday...

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