Friday, September 19, 2008


The outcome of the big & exciting job interview a few days ago is that I'm now plunged into that working mother cliche which is multi-layered and complex but boils down to:

exciting & career-advancing job


precious & fleeting time with my kiddie

I'm still trying to work it out in my head but in the meantime, a distraction far far from the world of corporate advancement and all that stuff. How awesomely beautiful are these?



They're all made in Canada by the extremely talented Christina  and I am deeply in love with them. At first I obviously wanted one for my daughter but as I've returned to these images again and again I think I actually want one for me!

Maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit tender - big job decision plus lingering flu - but I really feel one of these would be a comfort to me now. They are just so beautiful!

A dear friend has recently moved to Canada and I think I may have to ask her to keep a doll-shaped space in her suitcase when next she comes home for a visit....

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