Wednesday, December 08, 2010

8 dec 2010

First day of school holidays, traditionally the day we put up the Christmas tree. Well, it's a tradition now, circa December 2010. It's great that Frieda's old enough for us to create rituals around family events, holidays and birthdays.

This is a work in progress.

As with everything we had a bull terrier assisting us.

~ I may have lived in Africa all my life, and only once experienced a real European Christmas, but I still find it weird putting up Christmas decorations in 30 degree heat, drinking lemonade instead of egg-nog.
~ I'm slowly learning to let go and give Frieda free reign on things like putting up decorations, icing cakes, wrapping presents. I resist the urge to tweak, improve, correct.
~ I still love love love this Tin Town tree. A dear gift from a dear friend.

1 comment:

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

I've been a Floridian all my life and can so understand trying to make the winter holidays "appear" out of thin, hot air.
Although, this year we are already breaking out the coats and hats because woo-hoo we've had freezing temps already!

Anyway. I can appreciate your efforts and I adore your sweet little tree. We're struggling to keep the ornaments on the tree at our place since the dog, cat, and little dude are all conspiring together.

Merry Christmas, Molly. Cheers to you and your family!